Despite being one of the most enjoyable places to live in the United States, California can feel a rather unforgiving place. The sheer volume of taxation laws that one needs to understand, for a start, can be an exercise in frustration and aggravation if you are unable to get your head around the problem at hand.

  • One such problem that many people can face when they deal with the FTB of California, though, is bank levying. A levied bank account is when you just have money lifted out of your account by the FTB. They have the right to do this is you are avoiding paying taxation, and have the money in the bank to actually pay it.
  • From vehicle registration debts to child protection, the FTB can levy a bank account for a whole armada of reasons. To help avoid this problem, you need to work with the right legal minds to help you arrange a plan of action against this. From a tax attorney to a trained CPA, you can make sure you are going to make the levying of your income far less damaging than it might appear to be when the execution is put through originally.
  • Given your bank is made to comply with the order, your best bet to secure a solution here is to simply work with a professional from the minute the problem takes place. There’s nothing the bank can do, so arguing with them is fruitless.
  • Start off by contacting the right kind of assistance, and then contacting the FTB. Find out the amount that is owed in full, with penalties and extras added on top, and also begin to arrange a negotiation with the FTB. Start working with them, using your professionals’ advice and assistance, and you can transform your chances of getting an agreement.

You will need to pay what you owe, but you should be able to arrange an agreement with the help of an accountant or a tax professional. They can take a better look at your current position, and then let you know what your chances of stopping the garnishment are.

From bankruptcy to a complete inability to pay, you should have the means to give the FTB the information they need to stop the garnishing at source. It might take time to get it sorted, but working with a tax professional can really speed things up.