Should you ever find yourself in a position where you owe the FTB unpaid taxes, you can become the victim of an FTB Tax Compliance meeting. It’s going to really challenge your ability to make the payments, as usually compliance means that the time for negotiation is over. Should you ever find yourself facing a challenge for FTB tax compliance, then you would do well to bring in a trusted local accountant who both knows your industry and FTB tax compliance regulations.

Having someone onside with the knowledge and expertise needed to tackle this is a very useful ally on your side. However, like anything else in the world of business, dealing with FTB tax compliance means working with someone who can help make your case to the compliance officer.

The majority of business owners and entrepreneurs are unlikely to have the expertise and tax knowledge needed to handle this problem. If you would like to avoid this problem, then you most certainly should look to bring in professional help. Otherwise, you will need to learn a huge deal about FTB regulations in a very short space of time.

Rigid Discussions

However, one of the main reasons with FTB tax compliance that makes it so scary is the lack of movement that can be had in negotiation. A compliance team has one goal – to get the money that you owe, in full, as quickly as possible. They usually aren’t very keen to negotiate with you, and will throw every road block that they can in front of you to stop your potential success in a legal challenge of your compliance.

Therefore, having someone onside with legal knowledge and passion is going to be very important. They can help to fight your corner and make sure that you can avoid the challenges that most people would associate with tax compliance. From garnishing wages to levying your bank accounts, you can find that a failure to comply is going to be a common resolution.

The FTB team aren’t likely to be too interested in your reasons why or anything of the sort – they merely want payment. If you cannot provide full payment, they’ll find another way to make that money from you.

That being said, you should never find yourself under threat from an FTB agent. You should be able to work with them cordially, albeit in full understanding of the challenges that you are likely to face. So, what you should be looking to do is get help from an accountant or a tax preparation service.

They can take a closer look at where you have gone wrong to find yourself in this situation. Then, a dynamic plan can be created to make sure that you have a way out. It takes time and commitment, but it is easier than avoidance!

If you are looking for a the best San Diego CPA, contact us at 619-269-8190.