If you have come this far then you are already well on your way to finding a tax accountant. There are several ways to narrow down your choices when you are looking for a tax accountant so you can find someone that you will be able to use for years. A tax professional needs to be trusted with a lot of personal information, so you need to find someone you can talk to and trust to do a good job. Once you have a list of potential tax specialists there are a few things you can do to help narrow down your choices.
Get a Specialist
If there is anything specific you need done with your taxes, make sure you find a tax accountant that handles these kinds of requests. This can cover a lot of territory. Think of the work that you that you might need done such as preparing a FBAR or a 1099. All tax accountants will have access to these forms, but those that work with these kinds of cases regularly might know a few more deductions or legal requirements that you don’t want to miss. Similarly, if you are self employed make sure you find an accountant that will be available at quarterly intervals to make sure you aren’t missing payments.
Go with Someone Experienced
As a general rule, a CPA that has spent more time in the field will know more about how to manage your taxes. A seasoned professional will cost more but this is definitely an occasion where the quality is well worth the price. Certified Public Accountants or CPAs have been through rigorous testing and can manage nearly every financial situation they may be presented with without fail. Big box chains usually hire temporary employees for tax season who simply cannot match someone more experienced for quality.
Ask Plenty of Questions
Any time you are unsure of something or are interested in learning more, your tax accountant should be ready and willing to provide more information. You should never work with someone you are intimidated by or feel as though does not listen to your questions and concerns. A good tax accountant will encourage their clients to share a bit of information about themselves. In addition to creating a stronger air of trust, this will help the tax accountant pick up on key information about your lifestyle that could impact the way you will need to file your taxes.
Watch for Danger Signs
Like any profession, there are some tax accountants that simply cannot be trusted. Be very wary if your tax preparer makes any of the following suggestions during a meeting.

  • Provides you with a specific amount you can save without looking at your information
  • Is not certified
  • Promises all of their clients big refunds
  • Is not familiar with the kind of help you are asking for
  • Says a mistake does not matter or will not be noticed

Remember, it is always acceptable to change agents if you do not feel comfortable with the one you are working with.