Unfiled Tax Returns / Late Tax Preparation Services

It is common we see taxpayers that have not filed for several years. This is nothing to be embarrassed about! We see it more often than you think. It is important to seek an accountant immediately. The sooner you get the help you need to prepare your past due taxes, the better. Abbo Tax CPA has helped hundreds of taxpayers get current and compliant with the IRS and FTB. We have helped individuals and small businesses prepare and file their late tax returns and get in good standing with their taxes. We offer a free consultation that will walk you through our three step process to ensure your returns are filed. Contact us now to schedule your free consultation at (619) 269-8190.

Consequences of Not Filed Tax Returns or Late Tax

Sometimes when taxpayers don’t enlist help from tax professionals, they fall behind with their tax obligations by failing to file their tax return, potentially for many consecutive years. Depending on the type of taxpayer, there are different IRS forms that need to be completed and filed, each of them having their own requirements in regard to the data and information requested as well as the filing due date.

If you fail to file the required tax return, you might find yourself in a poor situation with the IRS. Failing to file often results in consequences, which may include some of the following:

  • Overstated tax liabilities
  • Penalties
  • Collection actions, for example bank levies
  • Criminal charges

If you find yourself in a similar situation, contact Abbo Tax CPA and let us help file the unfiled back tax returns properly before enforcement actions are taken against you. Enlisting help from our Unfiled Tax Returns / Late Tax Preparation Services will assist you in avoiding further complications and consequences with the IRS.

Getting specialized help

The IRS tax code is constantly changing and growing. For this reason, it is often very difficult to file your tax returns. However, even if you don’t have money to pay your taxes, you are still recommended to file your tax returns. Ask about our Unfiled Tax Returns / Late Tax Preparation Services and find out how we can help file your past due tax returns.

Call 619-269-8190 for a free consultation.

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