Are you the owner of a small business in San Diego? If so, you might be unsure about whether or not bring in an accountant. After all, what’s the major benefit of deciding to do so? What are you going to get out of bringing an accountant in?

Many small business owners do their own taxes and manage their own accounts. However, doing it all yourself leaves you open to making financial mistakes, and misinterpreting financial rules and demands. Therefore, having a professional accountant onboard – even as someone you turn to as and when they are needed – is going to be a majorly useful bonus for your business.

Not sure where to start with this? Then consider choosing an industry-specific small business accountant first and foremost.

Why Does the Industry Matter?

You don’t want to hire an accountant without experience in your industry for a wide range of reasons. For one, those without the experience tend to lack the knowledge of how your business should be run. They won’t know the average pricing and costing as well as the day-to-day managing expectations of the business.

The industry matters because being an accountant for a retail store is a lot different to being an accountant for a landscape design firm, for example. Therefore, it helps to take this into account, and slowly build towards creating something more useful for everyone involved. It’s best to have that expert onside who knows your industry even if it costs you a tiny bit more.

Should They Be a Full-Time Employee?

Not for a small business, no. The chances of needing an accountant on a full-time basis at this stage of your business is very unlikely. You only need them to sign off on elements of your business and help out maybe once or twice a month. As a small business you can probably manage the largest chunk of your fiscal management on your own at first.

However, you should always be open to the idea of bringing one in full-time in the long-term. If you intend on making your business larger in the future and continuing to expand then you should definitely be looking for an employee who can get involved and give you a comprehensive solution on a day to day basis.

This is something that many people look over and don’t see as a major part of business management, so taking this into account can be a major bonus for your business.

Your competitors are likely to take accountancy as easily as you have too, though, which is the good news. Many San Diego small businesses are yet to make the most of having a CPA onsite. If you want to fix that problem then you most definitely should consider bringing in an accountant; it can be the solution that puts you ahead the competition, when you choose correctly. For small business owners, though, industry knowledge is a vital bonus.

Contact us to learn how we can help your business.