Deciding if you Should Amend Your IRS Tax Return
When you hand in your IRS tax return, it feels like a massive weight off of your shoulders. However, when you find that a problem exists on the return, it can be a real wake-up [...]
How to Stop California Franchise Tax Board From Levying my Bank Account
Despite being one of the most enjoyable places to live in the United States, California can feel a rather unforgiving place. The sheer volume of taxation laws that one needs to understand, for a start, [...]
How to Stop the IRS from Garnishing My Wages
The IRS is garnishing wages! While many people enjoy a better quality of life than ever before, many others also significantly struggle to deal with the challenges of modern life. For example, taxation has – [...]
What You Need to Know Before Filing Your Taxes
When it comes to filing taxes, many little things need to be considered before you just hand them in. Many people just choose to file their taxes without any help or input, just filling in [...]
Should I Hire a CPA to Represent me in an IRS Audit?
Should you find yourself in the middle of an IRS audit, you might be unsure of what the best practice is to get out of the trouble that you are in. A letter from the [...]
Common Tax Mistakes by New Business Owners
Starting a business of your own is, naturally, a source of immense pride and satisfaction. Knowing that you actively run a business of your own is a deeply satisfying experience, and something that is sure [...]